Thunderbird+PGP tutorial part1

How to setup email on DMZ on Linux using Thunderbird email client and use OpenPGP for exchange of encrypted and/or signed messages

First open Thunderbird and enter your username, email and password that you previously created on, click Continue.

After that you should see successful configuration notification, click Done

Account successfully created, click Finish.

You will se default look for your account on Thunderbird.

But we need to check outgoing settings for email, click Account Settings in top right corner and then select Outgoing Server (SMTP). Make sure server name is only (defailt is incorrect). Click OK



Ćao, Jovana ne postoji, nalog je test za potrebe pisanja uputstava.

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Postoji ideja da wiki zamenimo drugim ili Bookstack-om.

Mislim da bi dobra opcija bio i static-site generator (Hugo ili custom rešenje) i markdown datoteke na gitea-i. Ne znam da li ima potrebe za nekim naprednim Wiki opcijama.

Dobar je git za wiki, vec sam napravio bio git repo za sve tutoriale posto se svakako cuvaju kao markdown fajlovi.

Samo nije toliko user friendly da ljudi dodaju iz gitea. Treba ipak neki interfejs da mogu ljudi sami da dodaju. Ovaj wikijs baguje dosta (krivim javascript)


Mozemo da postavljamo slike na forum i da ih ucitavamo odatle, odradih to za ovaj tut wiki

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slazem se…
dobra stvar rekao bih…

ja bih samo spomenuo za:
Android/Linux emails clients:

  • FairEmail
  • K-9 Mail
  • tuta
  • flowcrypt
  • R2Mail2
  • Proton
  • Thunderbird *(ja ga koristim priko termux.a na androidu, al mnogo bolji je dozivljas preko pc win/linux)

vecina ih je kompatibilna s OpenPGP premda sad u novije vrime skoro svaki email klijent nudi da mos sam gen nove pair kljuceve… dobra stvar nego iman tih kljuceva mnogo nija sam nzn disu… hh

uglv. meni je dobar svaki email client koji nudi imap/smtp/pop da mogu prištekat ovaj mail…

meni najbolji sve ih koristim…

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evo izasa je official Thunderbird za android:

Thunderbird 8.1

New in version 8.1
Thunderbird for Android version 8.1, based on K-9 Mail. Changes include:

  • Thunderbird’s active development is fully funded by financial contributions from our users. If you’re enjoying Thunderbird or believe in our mission, please help support it. In this version we will ask you for your support once you’ve had the chance to actively use Thunderbird for a while.
  • We’ve fixed one of our top crashes to give you a more stable experience

Thunderbird is a powerful, privacy-focused email app. Effortlessly manage multiple email accounts from one app, with a Unified Inbox option for maximum productivity. Built on open-source technology and supported by a dedicated team of developers alongside a global community of volunteers, Thunderbird never treats your private data as a product. Supported solely by financial contributions from our users, so you never have to see ads mixed in with your emails again.

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Degoogluj se @disu, kakav je to link, popices cenzuru :stuck_out_tongue:

F-Droid Thunderbird je fork K-9 Mail i to nije tema ovog posta. Ovo je tutorial za E2EE za PC Thunderbird .

Kad smo vec kod androida, dodao bih da se isto moze postici uz aplikaciju OpenKeychain: Easy PGP i drugih.



na koji link mislis?
ja se referiram na Thunderbird App od mozzile sta je nasljednik k-9 koji je isto od mozzile…

a ovaj thread je u vezi thunderbird pa sam post…
ako san falija slobodno remove…
nekuzim sta je krivo…

sad ti skoro svaki novi email bude s:
End-to-end encryption support za openpgp

ja koristim ovaj thunder na android za ovaj dmzrs email

disu, coja te bocka zbog goolag play stora > glas treba f-droid u


a to … kuzim oke … +
edit sam…