Predlog izmena za Conversations tutorial

Pre svega, nakon što sam detaljno iščitao i original i prevod, moram da kažem da sam impresioniran i jednim i drugim. Nadam se da se ne namećem, i prilažem izmenjen tekst, uz par napomena.

  • Pokušao sam da razložim korak po korak, i da uprostim rečenice i uputstva da budu što čitljivije.

  • Dok sam pisao, u više navrata sam pokušao da pogledam priloženi video, ali je nedostupan (502 Bad Gateway, kažu biće za par sati).

  • Slagao bih kad bih rekao da nisam koristio popularni LLM, zovimo ga Spasoje :slight_smile: Mada minimalno

  • Znam da sam ja predložio slike ekrana (skrinšotove), ali vala baš je overkill xD Jedino bi valjalo da negde na wiki stranici stoji istaknuta slika logoa, da ljudi znaju šta da traže, i u skladu sa tim sam napisao jedan deo teksta.[2]

  • Pretpostavio sam da se koristi markdown, i nemam puno iskustva sa njim, tako da praštajte ako sam napravio dodatan posao xD

  • Palo mi je na pamet da se ubace QR kodovi on hover na linkove koje treba otvoriti na telefonu, za ove što na pc-u prate uputstva, ali ne znam kako to implementirati, kolko je to nevolje, i dal se to isplati.

  • Većinu većih izmena i delova na koje treba obratiti pažnju mislim da sam obeležio, a na kraju je lista sa komentarom o svakoj.

  • Retrospektivno, neke od promena su samo stvar ukusa, i za to se izvinjavam.

  • Ne bi bilo loše ni da verzije na oba jezika postoje na wikipediji, i da ljudi imaju neki način navigacije između srpske i engleske verzije wikipeije. Tu naravno, opet volontiram da pišem i prevodim kolko god treba.

  • Ako ima još šta za pisanje/sređivanje/prevođenje davajte, meni ovo odlično za prokrastiniranje xD



We will go over installation of Conversations app that will be similar to this video.

Conversations is a chat application that runs on Android, and it uses the XMPP protocol[1]. Thanks to this protocol, people can communicate with each other using different apps, and there are other XMPP apps that you can run on your computer or iPhone.

Unlike most mainstream chat apps, Conversations is not run by a company. It’s code is open source, fully available online for anyone to read, modify or share. That means that it is developed with only the user’s interests in mind, since anyone can just change the code and share it if some unpopular feature is added. This way nothing in Conversations will harm or inconvenience users in any way. Common practices such as collecting personal information for sale to advertisers and adding addictive features to try and keep users attention do not exist in Conversations.

Also, there are no central servers run by the developers. Anyone can be a developer and anyone can run a server for Conversations.


There are multiple ways of installing Conversations, but the best way is to install it using the F-Droid app.

F-Droid is a transparent and privacy respecting alternative to Google Play. Since Google Play doesn’t allow competition, F-droid can not be found in the Google Play store and has to be downloaded from the F-Droid website.

Install F-Droid

  1. First, download F-Droid.

  2. Install it on your Android device by tapping on and opening the downloaded file.

  3. Open your newly installed F-Droid app.

You will need to wait a few minutes while it is updating the list of available apps.

Now you can install the Conversations app.

Install Conversations

  1. Tap the search (spyglass) button at the bottom right of the screen.

  2. Type Conversations in the search bar at the top.

Sometimes it will not show up as the top result, scroll down until you find it. Look for the logo shown in this article. Also, the icon might not show next to the result. In that case, tap on the result and make sure to check the images in the description for the app logo.[2]

  1. Tap “Install” and after it is downloaded you will get a pop-up that says that your phone is not allowed to install apps from an unknown source.

Don’t worry about this, it’s a useful feature that prevents unwanted software from being installed on your device, but it also means that any app that’s not downloaded through an official app store will be flagged, as we’ve discussed at the beginning of the Installation section.[3]

  1. Tap “Settings” and tap the slider that says “Allow from this source”. This will allow you to install apps from F-Droid.

After the installation you can open Conversations from the F-Droid app. You can also open it like any other app on your phone.

Creating an account

Unlike most apps, Conversations lets you choose which server you will create your account on. You can run your own server, connect to a server of your local hackerspace, or just pick a random server suggested on this website. This works the same way as e-mail, where you can pick your e-mail provider or run your own server.

Some servers allow you to create a new account by choosing the “Create a new account” option when you open Conversations for the first time, but most servers have a website where you can create an account. [4]

If you choose the “Create a new account” option, don’t use the server of that will be suggested to you. It is safer to pick a random server than for everyone to use the same one. We don’t want our communication to be fully dependent on a small group of people, like chat applications run by companies.

Create an account on a random server

  1. Go to the website of a server of your choosing and follow the instructions.

  2. Once you have your address and password, go back to Conversations, and tap the “I already have an account” option.

  3. Enter the address and password of the account you created.

Now you’re ready to use the app.

Using Conversations

To join a group chat you can tap the plus “+” button in the bottom right corner of the app window.

Some group chats are public, which means anyone can join. Others are private and you need to be invited to join.

To join the Decentrala public chat you can tap the “Join public channel” button and type “


  1. Potreban fact check, pošto se ja u ovo iskreno ne razumem, ali mi se učinilo da bi valjalo dodati, i shodno tome je ostatak pasusa promenjen.

  2. Eh sad za ovo nisam siguran, nema druge aplikacije da se zove conversations, ali meni ne prikazuje ikonicu i dalje.

  3. Dodao sam pojašnjenje za “unknown source” pošto bi to moglo da uplaši neke. E sad ne znam dal pomenuti slajder dozvoljava čitavom telefonu instalaciju sa nepoznatih izvora, ili dodaje f-droid kao izvor od poverenja. Upao sam u zečiju rupu na guglu, i dalje nisam našao odgovarajuće podešavanje na svom telefonu, tako da ovo prepuštam vama znalcima xD Uglavnom ovaj deo treba adaptirati nakon revizije.

  4. Uhhh. Nisam poznavalac. Prvo, za samu izjavu nisam siguran. Drugo, ovde ne bi bilo loše odlučiti se za jedan preferirani metod, i taj metod razložiti. Ja kad sam pratio tutorijal, ovaj deo sam više puta morao da pročitam da bih bio siguran šta treba da radim. Meni je intuitivnije bilo da odem na sajt servera i tamo napravim acc, i taj metod sam napisao. Ukoliko bi kao Decentrala radije predlagali neki drugi metod, slobodno izmenite, il recite meni da izmenim. A nije mi problem ni sve metode da ispišem, samo što ih ne znam.

To je kolko ja vidim to. Eto, prodiskutujte, pa odlučite. Sigurno ima grešaka i sugestija, slobodno pišite, ja nisam lako uvredljiv čovek.
Rado bih se ponudio i oko sređivanja sajta, al sam previše početnik, i bojim se da bi vam više vremena oduzeo tako nego da sami radite xD Skinuću samo trenutni sajt da ga imam u arhivi kad me uhvati nostalgija, pa javljam ako se osetim sposobno da doprinesem

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Izvini nisam sve citao ali izgleda da je kul :smiley: ?

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Ma lagano, ovo sam pisao da skrenem sebi misli, a originalu realno ništa ne fali :slight_smile:

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e super. svaka cast. prevescu na srpski u narednim danima i dodacu slike/video(ovo verovatno posle prevoda jer mi treba vise vremena)


nije meni problem da prevedem nikakav, al kak oš :slight_smile:

Pokusaj da izmenis na tekst, mislim da svako moze da menja

mislim i da moze da se izabere jezik,ako ne, samo napravite novu stranicu

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moze ne bunim se xD

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Nešto nisam pametan da se ulogujem, ne znam dal sam za wiki čuo da treba preko LDAP

Mozes da napravis nalog odvojeno na forumu i odvojeno na wikiju, ali ako si napravio preko sajta onda mozes da izaberes LDAP i na forumu i na wikiju i koristis taj nalog. Treba defitivno i wiki clanak samo ovo da objasni

Conversations open_source ,
a jedino GPlay uzima proviziju… lol

ovi iz googl3 tili su maknit/izbacit igr3 koje unutar app mogu koristit reedeem kods il kupovat unutar igre…

cim s3 zaobilazi google odma su sankcije hh…

al Conversio apk je top +