Ne boj se pointera! - Don't be Afraid of Pointers! - predavanje

Šta su i čemu služe pointeri? Zašto bi ih uopšte ikada koristili?? Kako funkcioniše memorija i adresiranje? Šta je dereferenciranje? Koje su opasnosti i problemi korišćenja pointera? Šta su “smart” pointeri? Zašto “nema” pointera u većini modernih jezika? Kakve sve to ima veze sa bezbednosti i performansom programa?

Zvuči strašno, ali nema potrebe za panikom! Sve je ok.

Pošto su sve ovo neka od pitanja koje mi ljudi često postavljaju, pozivam vas da dođete u DC Krov 12.11. i proći ćemo lagano kroz sve ove teme. Od toga kako funckioniše memorija (stack, heap, static), kroz apstraktne koncepte referenciranja, primere gde se koriste pointeri i zašto su bitni. Pokazivaću kroz primere u C jeziku, ali pošto su relativno jednostavni primeri, prethodno znanje C-a nije obavezno. A kasnije ćemo se dotaći drugih jezika, šta uvodi C++, kako Rust rešava referenciranje, i završiti na modernim garbage collected jezicima koji guraju pointere “pod tepih”, i zašto je znanje pointera vrlo relevatno čak i u svim tim jezicima.

Vidimo se!

– English –

What are pointers and what are they for? Why would you ever use them anyway?? How does memory and addressing work? What is dereferencing? What are the dangers and problems of using pointers? What are “smart” pointers? Why are there “no” pointers in most modern languages? What does all this have to do with the security and performance of the program?

It sounds scary, but there’s no need to panic! Everything is ok.

Since these are all some of the questions people often ask me, I invite you to come to DC Roof on 11.12. and we will go slowly through all these topics. From how memory works (stack, heap, static), through abstract concepts of referencing, examples of where pointers are used. I will demonstrate through examples in the C language, but since they are relatively simple examples, prior knowledge of C is not required. And later we will touch on other languages, what C++ introduces, how Rust solves referencing, and end with modern garbage collected languages ​​that hide pointers “under the rug”, and why knowledge of pointers is very relevant even in all those languages.

See you!