Cryptopals u Decentrali

Hello all!

For some time I have wanted to organize a practical cryptography workshop in Decentrala. The workshop will follow the structure of the Crytopals Challenge: for 7 weeks we will solve problem sets given on the site (and maybe some more). (We will probably skip the last week because is math heavy :upside_down_face:)

The plan is to meet once a week and discuss problems that we solved at home. Of course, we can solve together some of the problems in Krov, but I think there will not be enough time for every problem (also, it is best to solve the problem by yourself). I will use Go for my solutions, but you can use whatever language you fancy (it is only important to support arbitrary large integer arithmetic). The discussion will be held in English or Serbian, depending on the attendees.

You donā€™t need experience in modern cryptography or higher math. We should learn everything as we go.

I wanted to see how many people would be interested in attending these events if they were organized in August. Please respond below with which weekday would be perfect for you. For me, Sunday mornings seem perfect, because we have a lot of time to stay and discuss solutions.

  • Monday 19h
  • Tuesday 19h
  • Sunday 10h
0 voters


videcu da dodjem kada bude bilo, dopada mi se inicijativa


I plan to abuse Rust or Haskell for this. A very unlikely third option for me is Go.

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I think Haskell would be a great choice (operators and Num typeclass ftw). I would probably choose it too, but with Go go everyone will be able to easily follow my code

I think it is good if we implementations in different languages. That way we can test eachothers

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A little reminder: the first cryptopals event be held on this Tuesday at 19h. The plan is to solve (or just discuiss) the first week problems, and arrange the next meeting. Bring your laptops and prepare to learn thing or two about Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

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Week I

Thank you to everyone who showed up today!

A little recap: We tried to solve problems together and found that it would definitely be better if we only discussed solutions :upside_down_face: So, for next time, we have Week 2 problems as a homework. We also saw that language choice isnā€™t irrelevant. Choose a language that you know well and/or are willing to spend time debugging.

Important: I mentioned that the next meeting would be next Tuesday, but I now see that the next two Tuesdays are already reserved. So, the next Cryptopals gathering will be held on Monday, fifth of August. Week three will be on Monday, 12. August.

As we delve deeper into algorithms, I will try to make some short presentations about algorithms. Feel free to do the same and present something.

Bonus material for this week

  1. Caesar cipher
  2. VigenĆØre cipher
  3. Why AES in ECB is not good

A little problem:

Gq bqx ydpw vr mqqz c vgfthv
Gq bqx ruqpkvg qqw vr vhno
Nhv pg zjlusgu kq arwu gdt
Vcb vkg zqufv arw oqqi wq kgdt

Workshop was very interesting! I tried following along while working in different language, js. I continued working at home, and made some progress. Will hopefully change to working with bytearrays, but so far strings do work. The code is here, some spoilers ahead:


Kako napredujete sa CryptoPals?

Ja sam malo sprecen da dolazim cak i ove nedelje, i nisam imao previse vremena da se bavim time.
Na osnovu prva 2 seta koja sam stigao da odradim, videh da meni licno mozda i nije najrealnije da imam ceo set spreman za nedelju dana. Pa me interesuje da li ste mozda naleteli na slican problem, ili ste i dalje on pace sa celim setom nedeljno?

Juče nije bilo održano jer nisam imao ključ.

I ja imam baŔ malo vremena tokom nedelje da se posvtim, ali eto mislio sam juče da ostanem malo duže u Krov da pa reŔim Ŕto stignem.

Tako da, i ako ā€œkasniteā€, navratite na eventove. Svako reÅ”ava sopstvenim tempom

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hakira virtualnu teplanu kaoā€¦
pa ga zaposlili da testira sigurnost hhā€¦
mogli su mu barem pretplatu otvoritā€¦

nego ima li python skripta za kriptografiju kaoā€¦ ?
nesto slicno sta je ovi lik uradio ?

ova njegova py skripta ā€œmprsa.pyā€ ( valja li ?