Nova tema za maj, ova prosla je arhivirana
Ovo je kratka ‘knjiga’ (vise duzi clanak) koji poducava o osnovnim git konceptima kroz primer na kom ucenik radi kako prolazi kroz knjigu. Po mom misljenju je odlicno ilustrovana i mislim da je dobar uvod za git, a za vecinu vjerovatno i sve sto ce im trebati u njihovom koriscenju gita.
Dobra knjiga za vezbanje i ucenje programiranja. Skup zadataka/projekata, evo jedne od recenzija sa interneta:
etude n. Programming
- A program composed for the development of a specific point of technique.
- A computing system featuring a point of technique but performed because of its artistic merit.
This is one of the most wonderful books on computer programming.
To use the musical metaphor presented in the book, the reader will be challenged to compose pieces ranging from simple melodies to full blown symphonies, in styles ranging from classical to modern hip-hop. While many of the examples are in what would be viewed as archaic languages, the problems themselves are agnostic to the selection of computer languages used. One of the lessons is that there is no single silver-bullet language, and it is best to learn how to select the right instrument for the part.
Each programming Etude is presented as a problem. Background information is given to aid in the composition of the solution, and for some of the puzzles there is a supplied example solution in the back of the book. A rough time frame is given (ranging from a few hours for a single person to a class team project that might take an entire semester).
The focus on each Etude is in the critical thinking required to develop the solution while the actual implementation is assumed to be already within the grasp of the reader. Again to use the musical metaphor, the reader is assumed to be able to play several musical instruments, understand scales, chords, and can read sheet music, and is now ready to move on to their own musical compositions.
dobar kanal
Runda 2… Nekoliko ‘playground’-a za testiranje/ucenje/igranje sa razlicitim alatima.
- ili ‘compiler explorer’
- regex tester za gomilu jezika (js, python, rust…)
- self-explanatory
- SQLite u pretrazivacu
- jednostavan editor za crontab
- online IDE za sve programske jezike
OpenBSD uputstva:
Okej, ne bih da budem hejter, ali guide-ove sa learnx-a treba sa punom paznjom citati, i ne verovati slepo, jer imaju gresaka, a pr-ove na github-u slabo prihvataju (iz mog iskustva barem). Tkd - trust, but verify.
Sledeci kod C i C++ kod se kompajlira:
??=include <stdio.h>
int main(void) ??<
return 0;
C++ podrzava i and
, or
i jos neke stvarcice.
#include <iostream>
int main(void) {
if( (2>3) and (4>5)) {
std::cout<< "asdf";
} else {
std::cout <<"hjkl";
To je zbog digrafa i trigrafa, vise ovde.
E da i naravno moguce da se ne kompajlira u svakoj verziji kompajlera ili standarda C ili C+±a, ovo sam naveo samo da postoji ne da bas i treba da se koristi u svakodnevnom kodu.
Fino je ovo
Fin program za prevodjenje tekstova
Kad smo kod digrafa, i trigrafa, još jedna stvar s kojom možete otežati čitanje koda (verovatno mnogi već znaju): umesto da koristite a[7]
da pristupite sedmom elementu niza, možete da koristite 7[a]
. Razlog tome je što se pristup elementu niza a[i]
tumači kao *(a+i)
Evo jedan link od mene, stranica na kojoj se na interaktivan način možete igrati sa Furijeovom transformacijom slike 2D Inverse Fourier Transform Playground