Audio for games talk and workshop

Pozivam vas sve 3. Februara u 19h na predavanje i radionicu o pravljenju zvučnih efekata za video igre.

Posle teorijskog uvoda o audio designu i tipovima zvukova, proći ćemo kroz ceo proces od snimanja preko seckanja, sređivanja i poboljšavanja, do stavljanja i implementacije u igri, koristeći pritom Audacity i Godot game engine.

A možda najvažniji takeaways iz predavanja će biti sitni tips and tricks iz mog iskustva pravljenja zvukova za igre.

Nije potrebno nikakvo predznanje, ponesite laptopove ako hoćete vi sa pravite.

If there are non-Serbian speaking people in the audience, the workshop will be in English.


I invite you all to a lecture and workshop on making sound effects for video games on February 3 at 7 p.m.

After a theoretical introduction about audio design and types of sounds, we will go through the whole process from recording, chopping, editing and improving, to placing and implementing in the game, using Audacity and the Godot game engine.

And perhaps the most important takeaways from the lecture will be small tips and tricks from my experience making sounds for games.

No prior knowledge is required, bring your own laptops if you wish.

If there are non-Serbian speaking people in the audience, the workshop will be in English.